Entries for the ‘Education’ Category

Ruben Salazar Letter To Santa Barbara News Press Editor for Use of Term Illegal

Tweet   Chicano lawyer, Ruben Salazar writes with regard to Santa Barbara News Press’ usage of the term “illegal” when referring to immigrants.  It’s too bad they won’t drop an antiquated offensive word and follow the Associated Press’ suit.   Please sign this petition Chipsterlife began here.  In the below, Ruben Salazar essentially gives the Santa […]

“I LIKE YOUR CHRIST, BUT…” by Sal Baldenegro

Tweet I like your Christ, but… By: Sal Baldenegro Keep Christmas out of the stores? How things change. When I was growing up, religious folks railed against the commercialization of Christmas. They believed and taught that publicly, Christmas was to be celebrated in churches and that personally, the faithful carried Christmas in their hearts, not in […]

California Superintendent Joe Jaconette Participates In Denying Free Lunch to Child / Mother Domestic Violence Victim

Tweet The buck stops with the superintendent… We know that the Orinda Union School District Superintendent Joe Jaconette has been in a lot of hot water before in light of making sure a complaint filed by one of their own teachers via Kristen Nielson never got heard.   Nielson wrote the reason for leaving was exhaustion.  […]

National Hispanic Caucus of State Legislators to present the Award of Excellence in Education on Dec. 8

Tweet Monday, December 01, 2014 Miranda nominates Carl Hayden High School’s robotics team for national award By Arizona House Democrats at 3:00 PM Miranda nominates Carl Hayden High School’s robotics team for national award Team will receive Award of Excellence on Dec. 8 STATE CAPITOL, PHOENIX – Next week, the National Hispanic Caucus of State […]

George Lopez Travels to Jerusalem; Visits Jesus’ Tomb, Gets Re-Baptized, and Proclaims ‘He is Risen’

Tweet Actor/comedian George Lopez had a spiritual reawakening during his recent visit to Jerusalem. According to photos he posted the 53-year-old visited parts of the region considered holy including the Wailing Wall, the supposed tomb of Jesus, and was re-baptized in the Jordan River. Lopez traveled around the country of Israel mid-November and shared the […]

Create Option C, actress Lourdes Colon’s journey with cancer

Tweet by Frank M. Miranda 11/12/2014 Create Option C my journey with Cancer, this is a touching story that effects allot of people in the world. Actress Lourdes Colon take the alternative and shares her life and story through this documentary, “Create Option C my journey with Cancer” a must see film merging conventional and […]

Chicano POW Of Nazi Slave Camp / Veteran Anthony Acevedo’s Contribution to the Holocaust Memorial Museum

Tweet Army Medic Anthony C. Acevedo recorded names in a diary of fallen comrades in a Nazi slave camp. As we end this Veteran’s Day, I want to highlight a Mexican American Chicano Veteran who  broke his silence about 6 years ago.  He was so scarred with regard to his horrific experiences in a Nazi […]

Brown Lives Matter: Does GOP dehumanizing of immigrants affect reporting when immigrant woman dies of domestic violence?

Tweet   October is supposed to be domestic violence awareness month — but that does not seem to be the case in Bear, Delaware, when a pregnant woman of 6 months was reported being beat and hospitalized.  The hospital staff was able to save the 6 month preemie baby.  A presser was issued by the New […]

CRNLive Update: (Arizona) after finally apologizing for the use of the Vile (C-word) is it a little too late?

Tweet by Frenkie :-{> 10/24/2014 2:18 MST CRNLive Update: (Arizona) After finally apologizing for the use of the Vile (C-word) is it a little too late? Arizona – This issue reminds me of the disingenuous actions of public figures when they to use inappropriate language, their advisers immediately check them in to tolerance classes to somehow […]

Citizens for Better Arizona a/k/a “Randy Recall Inc.” Under Fire

Tweet Citizens for Better Arizona (CBA) (an operation run by the likes of Randy Parraz and Chad Snow) has come under tremendous fire recently from the Carlos Galindo show who has played audio clips from a young lady under the age of 18 years of age that was misled with regard to Arizona politics. This […]