Entries for November, 2014

Native American Indigenous Coalition Filing FCC Complaints Regarding Derogatory “Redskins” Name

Tweet Brave #ChangetheName protestors at today’s game in Indianapolis.    Members of Eradicating Offensive Native Mascotry (EONM) began an event today during the Washington “Redskins” and Indianapolis Colts NFL game that is sparking FCC complaints against the derogatory term “Redskins.”  Here is the link to file an FCC complaint against the offensive and derogatory term:  […]

TeaDREAMers losing more allies for disrespectful heckling towards President Obama

Tweet Another Chanclaso in order… TeaDREAMers losing more allies for disrespectful heckling towards President Obama Posted by Somos Independents It’s a well known fact there are a few DREAMers who were hijacked by the Republican Party.  We call them “TeaDREAMers” for pushing the Republican Party agenda … never mind the 2012 anti-immigrant platform adopted by […]

Pitbull Twitter Racism After He Supports Racist Florida Governor

Tweet Twitter Racism Strikes Again Against Pitbull At The AMAs according to the Huffington Post, however, Chicano and Latino heads turned when Miami native Armando Christian Pérez, who most know as Pitbull, posted a photo with Gov. Rick Scott and gave the Florida Governor a shout out. Chicanos and Latinos who do not benefit from Cuban amnesty […]

Latino Decisions: Chicanos / Latinos Overwhelmingly Support Obama’s Immigration Executive Action

Tweet Posted by Somos Independents Via Political Wire: A new Latino Decisions poll finds 89% of Latino voters support President Obama’s decision to give temporary legal status to nearly five million undocumented immigrants. Also interesting: 85% of independents and 76% of Latinos who identify as Republicans support Obama’s move. Said pollster Matt Barreto: “This is […]

POTUS FICTION: Immigration Executive Action Cartoon by Viva Ramirez

Tweet You’ve heard of Pulp Fiction by Quentin Tarantino, but have you seen the POTUS (also known as President Of The US) FICTION cartoon by Viva Ramirez depicting President Obama as Samuel L. Jackson in a humorous way?  

Ruben Salazar: Why President Obama’s Immigration Executive Order Is A Big Deal

Tweet   From a Chicano lawyer’s lens…   OBAMA’S EXECUTIVE ACTION IS A BIG DEAL, FOLKS – AND IT’S LEGAL TOO. SO, STAND IN LINE- IT’S FINALLY HERE! In the aftermath of President Obama’s announcement on his executive action, some critics are minimizing the scope and effectiveness of the new immigration initiatives. Some people believe […]

George Lopez Travels to Jerusalem; Visits Jesus’ Tomb, Gets Re-Baptized, and Proclaims ‘He is Risen’

Tweet Actor/comedian George Lopez had a spiritual reawakening during his recent visit to Jerusalem. According to photos he posted the 53-year-old visited parts of the region considered holy including the Wailing Wall, the supposed tomb of Jesus, and was re-baptized in the Jordan River. Lopez traveled around the country of Israel mid-November and shared the […]

Mexican American Political Radio Host Carlos Galindo Historic Immigration Action Podcast From Live Show

Tweet Podcast de 11-20-2014: Obama delinea puntos sobre una Acción Ejecutiva de Inmigración   Carlos Galindo is the host of The Carlos Galindo Show also known as Straight Talk/Hablando Claro Show. The only linguistic code switching political talk show of its kind in the nation. Carlos Galindo is an Immigrant from Mexico who worked the […]

Civil Rights Attorney Shirl Mora James: Barak Obama is a 21st Century Visionary

Tweet  Barak Obama is a 21st Century Visionary     By Shirl Mora James, Immigration and Civil Rights Attorney Co-President of Somos Independents     Does Obama’s Immigration Executive Order of 2014 matter?   Obama’s Executive Order of 2014 does in fact matter to our communities and to the larger American community as a whole […]

Arpaio Lawsuit Against Obama Really About Wanting Secure Communities Program And Continued Racial Profiling & Immigrant Women Domestic Violence Abuse

Tweet FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 22, 2014 Posted by Somos Independents     Arizonans to Arpaio:  Lawsuit Against Obama Really About Wanting Secure Communities Program And Continued Racial Profiling and Immigrant Women Domestic Violence Abuse        Paola Eden Delagado Polanco was a young thriving girl and full of life, with charming simplicity and […]