Army Medic Anthony C. Acevedo recorded names in a diary of fallen comrades in a Nazi slave camp.

As we end this Veteran’s Day, I want to highlight a Mexican American Chicano Veteran who  broke his silence about 6 years ago.  He was so scarred with regard to his horrific experiences in a Nazi camp — but thank God he survived.

I recently saw a video of Army medic Anthony C. Acevedo in a  documentary with regard to Nazi Germany and Hitler and I was moved to my core when I saw Acevedo recalling events.  Anthony desperately wanted to help his  dying comrade(s) and begged the Nazis for permission to help the dying.   Anthony was a medic and wanted to apply his training to help his fellow man.  In once instance, Anthony watched a Nazi soldier  dump ice water on his ailing comrade sending his Army buddy into immediate shock and death.  Acevedo cries uncontrollably telling that story and it haunts him to this day.

If it hadn’t been for Acevedo documenting and writing the many names of his fellow Americans who died in a Nazi slave labor camp, many families would not have the closure they have today.  I implore my fellow Chicanos to see this video.  It’s excruciating to hear, but it will solidify how important it is to strengthen the Jewish and Chicano rapport we are building.  We are both a people who struggled as a result of our ethnic identities. Mexican indigenous and other indigenous Latinos who do not benefit from Cuban amnesty continue to struggle today, and we will not forget the green card soldier veterans who were willing to sacrifice their lives for this great Nation in order to become a proud American citizen.  Some have already been deported after serving this great Nation and some are at risk of being deported even to this day.  We made a plea to the Obama administration on this day, and we hope the “powers that be” will grant the indigenous / immigrant soldiers relief for honorably serving our Nation.  They will not be forgotten.

Moving forward, may patriotic Chicanos continue to help those who cannot help themselves and are struggling.

About 165 survived, he says. Acevedo tried to keep track of all the deaths in this diary.

Acevedo catalogued the atrocities in a diary he kept hidden in his pants, using a Sheaffer fountain pen to record what he saw all around. When the soldiers were on their forced death march, Acevedo asked to use his pen for a tracheotomy to save a soldier named George Buddeski. Metz refused.   “You’re going to kill him then,” Acevedo responded. Metz grabbed a rifle from a guard and cracked the young medic across his face. Acevedo suffered permanent nerve damage from the blow.  (Photo credit:  CNN)