Entries for the ‘Politico’ Category

Brown Lives Matter: Does GOP dehumanizing of immigrants affect reporting when immigrant woman dies of domestic violence?

Tweet   October is supposed to be domestic violence awareness month — but that does not seem to be the case in Bear, Delaware, when a pregnant woman of 6 months was reported being beat and hospitalized.  The hospital staff was able to save the 6 month preemie baby.  A presser was issued by the New […]

Why is Citizens For Better Arizona Randy Parraz Listed As An Arizona Workman’s Comp Attorney When Arizona Bar Assoc. Does Not Recognize Him?

Tweet It’s always a good idea to double check with your State Bar Association to verify an attorney’s credentials. Citizens for Better Arizona (CBA) (an operation run by the likes of Randy Parraz and Chad Snow) has come under tremendous fire recently from the Carlos Galindo show.  Outside media is unaware of the many Chicanos […]

Republican Chad Snow of Citizens For Better Arizona Called Latina A B*tch?

Tweet What is it with men who try to intimidate women for not being in agreement with their views?  Is there something in the Arizona water? We were happy to see a Leader of Stonewall Democrats Apologize For Using Sexist Remark Against Chicana / Latina Lawmaker, however, where is Republican Chad Snow’s apology for publicly […]

Ballot Stuffing Watch: Citizens For Better Arizona Litigious Nature Against A.J. LaFaro Not The First

Tweet Citizens for Better Arizona (CBA) is under fire for ballot stuffing and manipulating elections, and at the forefront of whistle blowing is National Political Radio Show Host Carlos Galindo. Carlos Galindo believes CBA, Randy Parraz, Chad Snow and Paul Castenada go below the belt with filing a lawsuit against A.J. LaFaro while turning around […]

Chicanos and Latinos Will Not Forget Rep. Krysten Sinema Throwing Them Under The Bus During CD9 Race

Tweet Arizona Democratic Party Dirty Halloween Trick Could Backfire on Rep. Kyrsten Sinema Running Against Wendy Rogers / Powell Gammill Posted by Somos Independents   Recently, the Arizona Democratic Party (ADP) launched a dirty trick in time for Halloween that comes with no treat for Libertarian voters.  The ADP strategy could have worked a couple […]

Arizona Independent Voters Want Moderate Governor To Balance Republican-led Legislature

Tweet   Posted by Somos Independents   “…At both ends of the road, To the left and the right…”  — George Harrison   Key swing independent voters are now the largest voting bloc in Arizona surpassing Republican voters.  Arizonans have watched the current Republican Governor Jan Brewer embrace disastrous economic restrictionism and isolationism that counter […]

Arizona Republican Insider Downplays Role Of Independent Voters After Using “Latino” Tokens

Tweet Caution To Republican Lawmakers Using Constantin Querard / Discessio, LLC Downplaying Importance of Arizona Independent Voters By DeeDee Garcia Blase, Co-founder SOMOS INDEPENDENTS Constantin Querard is an extreme far right wing Republican who made a grave mistake in downplaying Arizona independent voters recently.  Arizona independent voters are the largest voting bloc in Arizona who […]

CRNLive Update: (Arizona) after finally apologizing for the use of the Vile (C-word) is it a little too late?

Tweet by Frenkie :-{> 10/24/2014 2:18 MST CRNLive Update: (Arizona) After finally apologizing for the use of the Vile (C-word) is it a little too late? Arizona – This issue reminds me of the disingenuous actions of public figures when they to use inappropriate language, their advisers immediately check them in to tolerance classes to somehow […]

White Male Uses Offensive Sexist “Cunt” Remark Against Latina Lawmaker in Arizona

Tweet Women-led Independent Voter Group Against Recall;  Asks Lawmakers to Disavow Endorsement By Anglo Man Using Sexist Remark Against Latina Lawmaker   He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. John 8:7   Phoenix, AZ —  Somos Independents is an independent voter group led by women comprising of […]

Arizona Democrats Wrong To Recall Rep. Catherine Miranda

Tweet Arizona Democrats Wrong To Recall Rep. Catherine Miranda Wasting Tax Payer Dollars Posted by DeeDee Garcia Blase Somos Independents Allow this write-up to help serve and set a better standard for women who have to guard themselves against misogyny within the political department dominated by men running amuck. For the record:  I do NOT […]