Entries for the ‘Politico’ Category

POLITICAL SALSA Y MÁS with Salomon Baldenegro “CHICANO HISTORY WEEK?” – Should there be? Please give us your thoughts below..

Tweet January 18, 2015 by salomon Members of a Listserv I subscribe to were recently asked to lobby their respective legislatures to designate the week of February 2-8 as “Chicano History Week.” That week was chosen because the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was signed on February 2, 1848, ending the Mexican-American War. With all due […]

In Retaliation For Obama’s Free College Program, Arizona Legislators Want To Pass Additional Bureaucratic Methods Within Education That Could Mean Less High School Diplomas

Tweet Posted by Somos Independents  on January 12, 2015   Phoenix, AZ —   Republicans want to vote and introduce a bill during their first week of session that ties Arizona education to a test equivalent to INS standards. The additional education impediment appears to be improper because it uses irrelevant methodology in relation to immigrants. […]

Democratic Caucus Of Arizona Senate Begins New Year On Right Foot

Tweet All signatures obtained by January 7, 2014.     Remember when certain Democrats were in support of a recall against Chicana law maker (D) Catherine Miranda? As of January 7, 2015, a final signature was obtained with regard to a letter addressed to the Arizona community regarding Arizona Democratic Sen. Catherine Miranda. Let it […]

Jaime Seall-Gutierrez Letter to Santa Barbara News Press Editor for “Illegals Line Up For Driver’s Licenses” Controversy

Tweet Photo: California Chicano Lawyer, Jaime Segall-Gutierrez with Dolores Huerta   Chicano lawyer, Jaime Segall-Gutierrez writes with regard to Santa Barbara News Press’ usage of the term “illegal” when referring to immigrants.  It’s too bad they won’t drop an antiquated offensive word and follow the Associated Press’ suit.   Please sign this petition Chipsterlife began here.  […]

Chipsterlife Sounds The Alarm: Santa Barbara News Press Controversial Use of “Illegal”

Tweet Chipsterlife was the first to sound the alarm with regard to Santa Barbara News Press’ usage of the term “illegal” when referring to immigrants.  It’s too bad they won’t drop an antiquated offensive word and follow the Associated Press’ suit.  Chipster will begin a petition that is being worked on by Chicano / Latino […]

“I LIKE YOUR CHRIST, BUT…” by Sal Baldenegro

Tweet I like your Christ, but… By: Sal Baldenegro Keep Christmas out of the stores? How things change. When I was growing up, religious folks railed against the commercialization of Christmas. They believed and taught that publicly, Christmas was to be celebrated in churches and that personally, the faithful carried Christmas in their hearts, not in […]

Arizona’s Sen. Katie Hobbs Should Not Make Statements / Promises She Cannot Keep

Tweet Posted by Somos Independents     What could take so long for Arizona Democrats to sign off on a letter stating they do not support a recall against one of their own colleagues?  It is no wonder the Democratic voting bloc is in “last” place here in our State of Arizona with independent registered […]

Mexican American Radio Show Host Sets Record Straight Holding Abraham Paulos Accountable

Tweet Posted by Somos Independents We have always been for reasonable legal immigration reform.  One thing we will not stand for is for someone like Abraham Paulos believing he speaks for the majority of the hurting community.  Indeed the largest community being hurt are those of Mexican descent as most of those deported are Mexicans. […]

TeaDREAMers losing more allies for disrespectful heckling towards President Obama

Tweet Another Chanclaso in order… TeaDREAMers losing more allies for disrespectful heckling towards President Obama Posted by Somos Independents It’s a well known fact there are a few DREAMers who were hijacked by the Republican Party.  We call them “TeaDREAMers” for pushing the Republican Party agenda … never mind the 2012 anti-immigrant platform adopted by […]

Latino Decisions: Chicanos / Latinos Overwhelmingly Support Obama’s Immigration Executive Action

Tweet Posted by Somos Independents Via Political Wire: A new Latino Decisions poll finds 89% of Latino voters support President Obama’s decision to give temporary legal status to nearly five million undocumented immigrants. Also interesting: 85% of independents and 76% of Latinos who identify as Republicans support Obama’s move. Said pollster Matt Barreto: “This is […]