Entries for the ‘Lowrider’ Category

Six years ago today by Lourdes Colon

Tweet Lourdes Colon <> ‎Feb‎ ‎14 at ‎4‎:‎15‎ ‎PM Six years ago today I was with my husband Chris at Optimum Health Institute surviving on only 5% use of one lung with cancer throughout my body. Barely breathing we looked into each other’s eyes and said “Happy Valentine’s day. I love you” We were strong […]

The Hip Hop World loses a Tupac Shakur Historian and founder of Thug Life Army

Tweet The Hip Hop World loses a Tupac Shakur Historian and founder of Thug Life Army & Music Director for CRNLive’s Studio B PALM SPRINGS, CA – 12/13/2017 (PRESS RELEASE JET) — Robert “RB” Riddle, the founder of Thug Life Army, the most popular website on all things Tupac Shakur, passed away on October 20, […]

Anything but Mexican—still!

Tweet Hispanic, a catch all for anything south of the border. It’s October, and we again find ourselves in the midst of “Hispanic Heritage Month.” I find the foundation of “Hispanic Heritage Month” objectionable on many levels, especially the artificial, manufactured construct of “Hispanic.” Hispanics: invented by Richard Nixon, promoted by Coors beer… “Hispanics” don’t […]

Tucson fight to Save MAS and to fight the MAS Book Ban … Salomon

Tweet Estimadas/os: This is an appeal to help us defeat the person who engineered the Mexican American Studies (MAS) Book Ban in Tucson Arizona … that person is running for a position in a predominantly Mexican American-Yaqui district … I hope you will help. If you supported our Tucson fight to Save MAS and to […]

With the help of people like you, we have a real chance to get Joe Arpio out of office, and to have an electoral race that we can get excited about.

Tweet Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio stands for everything that we are fighting against this election.   He endorses Donald Trump for president, and calls him his “true political soul mate;” he boasts about having his own “concentration camp,” blatantly defied orders by a district judge to order his deputies to stop the unconstitutional racial […]

Chicano Radio Network announces the launch of Studio B on September 29, 2016

Tweet Telephone 909-965-3695 Joe Ortiz & Associates Public Relations Email Website FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Frank Mills Miranda: A Radio Icon Who Broadcasts All Things Chicano Worldwide Los Angeles, California – Little did he realize when he was five years old that Frank Mills Miranda would become an international Chicano radio icon. As fate […]

“Young Latino Artists 21: Amexican@” at Mexic-Arte Museum

Tweet This exhibit is about being Mexican-American, but it will make things happen for you whatever your ethnicity REVIEWED BY SAM ANDERSON-RAMOS, FRI., JULY 15, 2016 I’m Mexican-American, but I don’t know exactly what that means anymore. It seems to refer to the fact that my family is from Mexico. It also seems to have […]

CRNLive’s Studio B returning to the world in September 2016

Tweet Remember in the late 90’s when you stumbled across CRNLive for the first time? At the time we had studio B which became your headquarters for Chicano Rapp & Hip Hop? Well for years we have been bombarded with your requests to bring it back. Tune in September when we once again become your […]

Update on Bobby (DTTX) from Lighter Shade of Brown posted by KID FROST REPOST‬

Tweet I’m still here with his Mom his Aunts nieces ODM Lil Uno Crazy Joe Jammin James and Tony I’m sitting here still tripping that My Homie won’t be able to pull through the rigors of what hapoened to our boy and from what I see his spirit and soul have left his body and […]

The Worst States for Hispanics

Tweet The United States has been — and continues to be — one of the most popular destinations for immigrants from around the world. Immigrants from Latin American countries and other Spanish-speaking people in particular have become one of the nation’s fastest growing demographics. The United States may be a good place to live compared […]