Entries for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

The Eestside Sound will be featured during the month of July on the Chicano Music Chronicles with Mark Gerrero

Tweet Make sure to tune it to the Chicano Music Chronicles featuring Trini Lopez. Starting next month Mark will feature The Eastside Sound for the whole month. This gives you more opportunities to catch the show in case you miss one. This is an educational and entertaining show following the Que Onda Show in […]

Chicano Music Chronicles returns to CRNLive!!

Tweet     This month on The Chicano Music Chronicles Mark will feature the music career of Chicano crooner Trini Lopez as he sits down with him on the show. You’re not gonna wanna miss this program. Airs on Thursday at 8:00pm and then again on Sunday at 6:00pm PST…

CRNLive now available 24/7 on Mixlr

Tweet crnlive is on Mixlr

Tejano singer Selena remembered 20 years after death

Tweet “Some days it does feel like it has been 20 years. Some days, in a weird way, it feels like it never happened.” — Chris Perez, Selena’s widower By Doug G. Ware | March 31, 2015 at 1:10 PM SAN ANTONIO, March 31 (UPI) — Music fans, the recording industry and the Latin community […]

Mormons/LDS/FLDS want to pass bill requiring for everyone to go to Church.

Tweet Now let’s see, I’ve been on Facebook since 2009. From the beginning I have been against the Mormon/FLDS/LDS for profit and deviance because of what they do and have done to the state or Arizona. I’ve said time and time again that they believe that church and state are one of the same. I […]

The Chicano Collection / La Colección Chicana Documentary Film

Tweet In this documentary film, Cheech Marin reveals his passion for collecting Chicano art and shares his life’s mission to elevate public consciousness of it throughout the nation and the world. It features interviews with many of today’s top Chicano/a artists, including Chaz Bojorquez, David Botello, Melesio Casas, Gaspar Enriquez, Margaret Garcia, Rupert Garcia, Carmen […]

Downtown L.A. to Restore Mural Honoring Anthony Quinn, the First Mexican Actor to Win an Oscar

Tweet We all know Los Angeles as the city of sprawl. Highways, freeways, expressways and cars, lots of cars. It’s a city that truly came of age at a time when American society was rapidly suburbanizing and followed a model of expansive development that effectively left its urban core forgotten and underutilized. Now, thanks to […]

POLITICAL SALSA Y MÁS with Salomon Baldenegro “CHICANO HISTORY WEEK?” – Should there be? Please give us your thoughts below..

Tweet January 18, 2015 by salomon Members of a Listserv I subscribe to were recently asked to lobby their respective legislatures to designate the week of February 2-8 as “Chicano History Week.” That week was chosen because the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was signed on February 2, 1848, ending the Mexican-American War. With all due […]

“I LIKE YOUR CHRIST, BUT…” by Sal Baldenegro

Tweet I like your Christ, but… By: Sal Baldenegro Keep Christmas out of the stores? How things change. When I was growing up, religious folks railed against the commercialization of Christmas. They believed and taught that publicly, Christmas was to be celebrated in churches and that personally, the faithful carried Christmas in their hearts, not in […]

National Hispanic Caucus of State Legislators to present the Award of Excellence in Education on Dec. 8

Tweet Monday, December 01, 2014 Miranda nominates Carl Hayden High School’s robotics team for national award By Arizona House Democrats at 3:00 PM Miranda nominates Carl Hayden High School’s robotics team for national award Team will receive Award of Excellence on Dec. 8 STATE CAPITOL, PHOENIX – Next week, the National Hispanic Caucus of State […]