National Hispanic Caucus of State Legislators to present the Award of Excellence in Education on Dec. 8
Monday, December 01, 2014
Miranda nominates Carl Hayden High School’s robotics team for national award
By Arizona House Democrats at 3:00 PM
Miranda nominates Carl Hayden High School’s robotics team for national award
Team will receive Award of Excellence on Dec. 8
Catherine Miranda
STATE CAPITOL, PHOENIX – Next week, the National Hispanic Caucus of State Legislators will present the Award of Excellence in Education to a group of Carl Hayden High School students who won a prestigious robotics competition a decade ago, edging out college students from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Rep. Catherine Miranda, D-Phoenix (District 27), serves as the organization’s vice president of policy and recently nominated the robotics team for the award.
“This victory deserves continued celebration because the story still inspires students both in Arizona and across the country,” Miranda said. “I want to commend this team for its dedication and innovation.”
The team members were also featured in the documentary “Underwater Dreams” earlier this year, and a feature film about the competition is scheduled to be released in January.
The team will receive the award during NHCSL’s 12th National Summit of Hispanic State Legislators in San Juan, Puerto Rico on Dec. 8.
For more information about NHCSL, go to
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