Reunion Latina 2010 is around the corner! We have so much work to do!

2010 will be indeed a demanding time for all of us: While the nation has elected a new president, the International AIDS conference was held in Mexico City this past summer, bringing light to the situation of HIV and AIDS in the Americas; and the current financial crisis is affecting all sectors of this country; we need to get involved, stay informed and work together more than ever to find ways to deal with the challenges ahead of us.

Reunion Latina continues its tradition of uniting voices and promoting actions to raise awareness among religious and civic leaders, working with the media and educating our Latino Communities about the impact of health disparities, HIV/AIDS and the effects of stigma, homophobia and discrimination.

A critical initiative this year is the promotion of a New York State HIV/AIDS Latino Action Agenda that establishes our needs and priorities, and present them to the bodies in charge of addressing the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Civic participation and mobilization are key components to reminding our elected and appointed leaders to address AIDS from an integral perspective. HIV/AIDS in the Latino community continues causing devastating effects.

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