A drop is a verbal intro to a song by the Artist/s
Click Play to hear an MP3 & Call-in Drop
It's an opportunity to let our listeners know who the artist and song title are. This is especially important when station is on automation mode. Also, you may promote anything you desire like my space account, record releases, etc.
There are two ways of making Drops, see the following instuctions:
(1) First, you may use your own studio equiptment to record your Drop/s on MP3 or Wave format, this will allow you to send the Drop to us by email at: [email protected]. Please make sure that you also attach the songs along with the Drop to minimize studio time allowing your song to be added more quickly.
(2) Second, if you do not have access to a studio, not to worry just call (831) 850-3216 and press number one and start recording, which ever method you use we can tag your drop to the song at our studio before adding it to our library.
Thank you for joining us para la revoluci�n de la radio THE CHICANO RADIO NETWORK U.S.A.